j2 Universal Tool-Kit - your complete flight physics modelling, design and analysis solution

Covering all aspects of flight from conceptual design through to flight test and simulation.

j2 Universal Tool-Kit - complete flight physics modelling, analysis and simulation for any aircraft

A single tool-kit, serving a variety of sectors applied in many different ways

j2 Universal Tool-Kit - flight physics modelling, analysis and simulation in a single tool.

One tool, any data source, no code writing required – just think of the possibilities.

j2 Aircraft Dynamics complete flight physics modelling, analysis and simulation capability

j2 consulting a Centre of Excellence for the application and use of j2 Universal Tool-Kit


j2 Aircraft Dynamics Ltd is a UK SME, based in the North West of England, that was first established in 2006 with an initial development fund investment. This was successfully used to complete the initial development of an innovative aviation concurrent analysis and design ‘Tool-Kit’ for aircraft design. This ‘new’ capability was initially demonstrated through the Universal Tool-Kit being used to develop the configuration of the Piper Jet.

The Company launched commercially in Dec 2009 and has operated successfully since then, firstly in the fixed wing Aircraft Design and Development world but also then developing and commercialising its analytical engine capabilities into both fixed and rotary wing client led applications in Flight Simulation, Flight Test, Air Accident Investigation, and PAV/eVTOL design and development, these being the Company’s five main commercial areas of application.

J2 has a successful track record in working directly with large and small organisations, globally, to generate commercial success and is experienced in working on US Military Projects under ITAR Licenses. J2 work with tier one companies across the globe including Europe, India, Brazil, China, USA, and the Middle East.

The Company is based at SciTech, Innovation Centre in Daresbury, near Warrington, this being one of the UK Governments regional technical and innovation hubs.

Our Credentials

Aircraft Design

j2 Universal Tool-Kit is used in Aircraft Design for Flight Physics Analysis to rapidly develop any class of aircraft, Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing or PAV/eVTOL. J2 software enables engineers to develop their aircraft models and run analyses quickly, shortening the iterative loop, improving both speed and efficiency in any aircraft design project. The engineer will generate results faster whilst gaining a better understanding of the stability and control and handling qualities of their aircraft at a much earlier stage in its development, all without the distraction of writing code and/developing analytical routines.

Flight Test and Aircraft Certification

Flight Test Analysis and Envelope expansion are all fully supported through the j2 Universal Tool-Kit. Predicting the aircraft response with a variety of uncertainty conditions enables a safe test envelope to be developed. Test data is then imported and compared to the predictive tests in order to develop further tests whilst simultaneously refining the predictive model. The analytical engine is able to evaluate any combination of data and has been able to correlate handling issues that were not previously identifiable. The whole process is data driven without the need to write code.


The integrated real-time engine within the j2 Universal Tool-Kit can be used throughout the aircraft’s lifecycle, from predictive engineering models evaluating pilot opinion, through to Level-D fully certified solutions for pilot training. J2 Pilot provides an out of the box simulation for immediate evaluation whilst j2 Pilot (SDK) can be integrated with any hardware to provide direct connection into Full Flight Simulators. j2 Universal Tool-Kit has already overcome many of the challenges in the simulation application area removing the need to write code and can adding substantial value to your end product.

Flight Data Matching

The powerful automated flight matching capability delivered by j2 Universal Tool-Kit has been able to reduce flight matching effort by over 30% and has resulted in j2 being awarded 2 ITAR licenses to support flight matching activities on more than eight US military fixed wing and rotary platforms. The capability offered by j2 Flight uniquely provides an automated data matching process with the software able to handle data from multiple lateral and longitudinal flight tests in a single integrated processing step. This is able to minimise the iterative cycle normally associated with flight data matching.

Risk Analysis

Having established a digital twin of acceptable fidelity in j2 Universal Tool-Kit the emphasis then switches to one of model interrogation. The use of j2 software, as applied to flight risk analysis, knows no bounds e.g. change of use, modelling wake effects in AAR activities, slung loads on helicopters, new stores release, load drop mission rehearsal, aircraft performance changes, impact of wind gusts in landing configuration. This is all possible and more….. If you have the digital twin, then j2 software can help you in your risk analysis challenges again and again and again.

Air Accident Investigations

In 2015, a precedent case in the UK involved the crash of a 1941 Tiger Moth. This saw the first use of j2 software in Air Accident Investigation. Since then, j2 digital twin data and expert witness testimony has been used in both the UK and US courts. Building a digital twin of any aircraft enables j2 to interrogate the model and examine any and all circumstances/scenarios contributing to an air accident. j2 method and expertise is not only used to forensically look at the contributory factors and causes of the accident but also to understand and discard those factors which could not have contributed. The resulting analysis and conclusions are built on a strong foundation of aero engineering data and methodology. The same model can also be used to drive visual simulation of an air accident.

J2 universal toolkit

The j2 Universal Tool-Kit is a complete flight physics modelling, analysis and simulation suite of software tools. The Tool-Kit is built on a plug-in architecture connected with a centralised database. End users only need add the components necessary for the team you have and the task you need to perform. The j2 Universal Tool-Kit is revolutionary in focussing on the use of data rather than the writing of code and building complicated block diagrams. The removal of code writing tasks means you can not only get to the answers quicker but this also provides for a robust and repeatable methodology that can be trusted and less prone to error and that has a direct impact on cost reduction. Models of Aircraft can be built from any data source and can even start with no data and progressed through to a full Digital Twin. Where knowledge already exists in code and systems, the j2 Universal Tool-Kit allows users to integrate legacy code and models they trust into a robust and future proofed set of software tools.

The j2 Universal Tool-Kit provides various analytical components to investigate handling qualities, performance or examine time histories within a single Tool-Kit, even perform complete flight test data analysis and flight matching. No need to export data for viewing results, Charting and Templates provide quick data viewing techniques and users can even view the aircraft response in an interactive 3-D video playback. Take the models at any time and fly them on a simulator to get early stage pilot opinions on the real response of the aircraft. The j2 software runs on a Windows Operating System and uses a MS-SQL Database. This database provides all the cross referencing and version control of all data to ensure that everything is tracked throughout the aircraft model development process.

j2 Universal Framework

j2 Universal Tool-Kit’s underlying framework and data management system, j2 Universal handles all the configuration control and plug-in management and provides a data centric approach to aircraft design and analysis. Units can be changed for data entry and display whilst the j2 Universal Tool-Kit makes sure everything is consistent. Track all results back to their source and see the change history with the integrated version control.

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j2 Builder

Using your key specifications as its starting point – aerodynamics, component positions, weights and so on – j2 Builder quickly constructs a reliable aircraft model ready for assessment. The model is constructed in a hierarchical structure to mimic the aircraft configuration and layout. Let j2 Builder handle moment arms and establish total mass, inertia and cg position.

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j2 Elements

When starting with little or no data, how do you build a dynamic model? Introducing j2 Elements. Define the geometry and basic airfoil data then j2 Elements integrates it all into a complete aircraft model with the built in Aerodynamic Strip Theory to calculate total coefficients and derivatives automatically.

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j2 Developer

With the j2 Universal Tool-Kit there’s no need to discard the data models you already use to calculate aerodynamics, mass, inertia and thrust characteristics. j2 Developer provides an Application Interface (API) to enable you to integrate old and new to find the perfect solution and optimise return on investment. Add external calculation engines directly into your model.

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j2 Rotary

The j2 Universal Tool-Kit provides high fidelity rotary modelling capability through the j2 Rotary plug-in. The Blade Element Rotor Model (BERM) s accurately delivers hover, autorotation, ground effect efficiencies, and realistic translational lift ‘right out of the box’.

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j2 Freedom

j2 Freedom is the main analytical engine of the j2 Universal Tool-Kit. Initialise the aircraft in any flight conditions with the fully configurable rules based trimming. Run a full Virtual Wind Tunnel to evaluate the complete aircraft aerodynamics. Use j2 Freedom to create complete test and certification manoeuvres and find out if your aircraft can get certified even before first flight.

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j2 Classical

The evaluation and analysis of an aircraft design occurs in many stages. Producing the basic classical stability criteria and modes of motion data forms part of the complete aircraft evaluation process. By using j2 Classical, a fully integrated component of the j2 Universal Tool-Kit, there is no need to go to any another application to start looking at Linear Analyses and developing algorithms to establish modes of motion.

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j2 Flight

The j2 Flight Plug-In provides the ability to evaluate and analyse flight test data. Produce a complete set of Kinematically Consistent States with Flight Path Reconstruction, compare predicted and real response to manoeuvres with Reprediction and align the model to the real aircraft with Regression. j2 Flight can be used to support flight test and envelope expansion or speed up the development of a Level-D simulator model.

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j2 Matlab Toolbox

When working with Matlab/Simulink® two issues come to mind. First, how can you build aircraft models using different data sources and approaches, vary these models easily and evaluate the impacts of the variations? Second, every time you run a response you must first trim the aircraft and develop read/write routines to save and plot data. What if you could maintain the power of Matlab/Simulink® and overcome both of these issues? Welcome to the j2 Matlab Toolbox.

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j2 Performance

Use the j2 Performance plug-in to identify key performance characteristics for your aircraft. The integrated search in can work through identifying Climb, Turn performance characteristics. Build Energy Manoeuvre and Doghouse plots to understand performance capabilities of any aircraft.

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j2 Active

Organisations with existing solutions that partly fulfil their design and engineering needs can still take advantage of the j2 Universal Tool-Kit’s unique design capabilities – without abandoning their own simulations. That’s where the j2 Active plug-in comes to the fore. Integrate the j2 model with external tools using the j2 Active plug-in

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j2 Virtual

See your aircraft in flight with j2 Virtual. This plug-in provides a unique interactive 3-D playback capability. j2 Virtual enhances the understanding of the data charts by putting the aircraft in a real world environment to show what the numbers mean. Compare multiple test points or different aircraft quickly and easily.

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j2 Visualize

j2 Visualize, the data display plug-in of the j2 Universal Tool-Kit, enables designers to create monitors, graphs and traces with which to view the data either as an analysis is underway or as a post processing tool. Templates speed up the process of chart generation allowing the user to configure everything necessary and then just add data when required.

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j2 Pilot | j2 Pilot SDK

Ever wanted to see an aircraft fly in real-time during the design phase? Using the j2 Pilot plug-in’s automatic interfaces/models you can fly aircraft on your j2 Universal Database in a simple desktop simulation at any stage in design. Compare designs to get a complete understanding of flying performance. You can also use j2 Pilot interfaces to merge the finished design into a Full Mission Simulator and integrate the model into pilot training simulators.

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