14 | March | 2025

J2 Announces a Lower Cost Pathway to Level D Rotary Models in Simulation

J2 Aircraft Dynamics are pleased to announce they have completed the move into high fidelity rotary flight dynamics and engine model development up to and including Level D standards for any rotary platform.
Through the use of their j2 Universal Tool-Kit they have overcome a significant barrier to competition in the Level-D Flight Dynamics and Engine Models (FDEM) for simulation.
J2 have removed man years of effort out of the flight test data matching tasks by automating a significant portion of the flight test data matching process, thus reducing costs and enabling smaller simulation companies to compete on a level playing field with much larger rivals.
The same models, developed during the engineering and matching activities, can instantly be run real-time on the j2 Host without the need for any data transfer, code regeneration or re-compilation. This ensures the same results from the test environment to the simulation through the use of the same calculation engine and modules.  The j2 Host also uses industry standard protocols to communicate with the main simulator hardware systems. The digital nature of the model allows instant change and re-evaluation in the simulator against certification standards or pilot opinions without compromising the model baseline version.

J2 has already overcome some of the key challenges associated with high fidelity rotary modelling; stability in hover, main and tail rotor failures and autorotation fall straight out of the physics engine without the need to add specialist corrections to the model.
The result is the most complete rotary flight dynamics modelling capability available in the market today, able to deliver Level D certifiable models at a fraction of the normal cost.
Paul jenkins, Snr Vice President of j2 said,
“this capability has opened up the market for faster moving and more agile simulation OEMs to compete with their larger counterparts. Historically, the methods used and the high cost of developing high fidelity rotary models has kept high fidelity rotary simulation in the domain of a few large players with deep enough pockets. J2, through the application of the j2 Universal Tool-Kit, has removed a significant barrier to smaller operators competing in this global market. It doesn’t remove the need to generate flight test data to compare against, but it does reduce, by up to 50%, the effort it then takes to flight test data match that with the model. This can equate to man years of cost being removed.
We are very excited by this evolution of our modelling, analysis and simulation capabilities and we look forward to the future in high fidelity modelling for simulation with some enthusiasm. ”
To find out how we can help you compete in the high fidelity simulation market, contact Paul Jenkins either on paul.jenkins@j2aircraft.com or by calling him directly on 07908 818724
#digital #aircraft #data   

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